Our Desire

Worship corporately while glorifying God in heart, mind, soul and strength.

Experience God in an awe-inspiring way through His Word and encountering Holy Spirit.

Express God's love, grace, and Word to the community around us through action, lifestyle and relationships.

Be a connection hub where you can connect to faith, family and friends.

Our Story

The beautiful ongoing story of Millbrook Christian Assembly is comprised completely in the unique make-up of the individuals who call this church their home. Although vastly different in their journeys, there are 3 cords that bind each of us together.

We Are…

We are real people infused with dynamic faith, committed to a common vision, joined together in the covenant love of our Creator filled with His Spirit, passionate about worshiping and seeking Him.

We Used to Be…

We used to be completely broken but are now grateful for undeserved redemption, astonished by amazing Grace, healed by forgiveness and humbled by the divine invitation into relationship with God.

We Serve… 

We serve a loving and perfect God. Our main objectives is to love God and love people, we desire to make His love known as we endeavour to expand His Kingdom

What We Believe

Millbrook Christian Assembly is an affiliated assembly with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) which affirms our Statement of Faith. 

Following is our condensed version. The full version can be viewed at www.paoc.org.

The Bible  We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and is God’s voice to us. It is our guide for faith and practice, it is trustworthy and without error and it is our final authority.

The Trinity – We believe that God exists eternally in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three are one God, having the same nature and attributes, and are worthy of the same worship, confidence, and obedience. 

The Father – We believe that the Father exists eternally as the Creator of heaven and earth, the Giver of Life, to whom all things will submit.

The Son – We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal and only Son of the Father, is true God and true man.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary and by His sinless life, miracles and teachings... gave full revelation of the Father.  He died on the cross, taking our place. He rose from the dead and He is now in heaven as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom in righteousness and peace.

The Holy Spirit  We believe that The Holy Spirit is fully God, performing actions and possessing all the attributes of The Deity.  He is a person which is shown by the fact that He has personal characteristics and that individuals may relate to Him as a person. 

Humanity  We believe that humanity was originally created in the image and likeness of God but fell through sin and, as a consequence, became subject to both spiritual and physical death. Spiritual death has been transmitted to the entire human race and people can only be saved through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. 

Salvation  We believe salvation has been provided for all people through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross. Those who repent and believe in Jesus are born again of the Holy Spirit, are saved and receive eternal life. From the point of initial salvation, followers of Jesus then grow in spiritual maturity and obedience becoming more like Him.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit – We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience where the follower of Jesus gives control of themselves to the Holy Spirit. Through this they begin to know Christ in a more intimate way, they receive power to witness and grow spiritually. 

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit  We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are supernatural abilities given by God through the exercising of which followers of Jesus are enabled to minister effectively and directly in particular situations. 

Divine Healing  We believe that divine healing is provided for in the atonement and therefore prayer for the sick is encouraged. 

The Church  We believe that the local church is God’s plan to reach the world and is a gathering of followers of Jesus who have joined together to worship God, to observe the practices of the church (such as communion and baptism), to learn about God, to grow together and to be equipped to reach the world for Christ.