For online giving click the give button below.

Please note that with the online giving there is a processing fee that comes out of your giving, where AS the e-transfer and other options have no fees associated with them.


God influences the world through his people. He gives to us so He can give through us. The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and willingly, the world is changed for the glory of God: the gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, bodies are healed, churches are built; and you, in turn, are blessed by God so that you can give again.

Everything you give is tax-deductible, and will be completely used to further what God is currently doing through our ministry locally and around the world.

The options for giving tithes and offerings are as follows:

  1. E-transfer (confidentially) to the Church at
    Please indicate your designation and contact info for tax receipt purposes in the e-transfer message section.

  2. Debit machine at the Church
  3. Mail in a cheque, and please include your offering envelope if you have one. Mailing address is: 
                                         71 King St. W. Millbrook On, L0A 1G0